Back pain can affect anyone. Every eight out of ten people have been known to be affected by back pain at least once in their life time. There are multiple factors that increase the risk of back pain and some of these are important risk factors that contribute to persistent back pain.

Risk Factors For Back Pain

  • Age

You are more prone to back pain as you age. This is because, as one grows older, the spine goes through wear and tear.

  • Occupation

If your job involves prolonged sitting, prolonged standing, heavy lifting, etc., then the chance of developing back pain is higher.

  • Sedentary lifestyle

Lack of regular exercise increases the risk of back pain, as exercise helps in strengthening the muscles, ligaments, and tendons supporting the spine.

  • Obesity

Being obese puts stress on the spine, especially the lower back increasing the risk of having back pain.

  • Family history

If you have a family history of back pain, then you are prone to back pain.

  • Poor posture

Postures like slouching over a keyboard, lifting improperly, or driving hunched over the steering wheel can considerably increase the risk of back pain.

  • Smoking

There is significant evidence that shows that there is higher chance of developing back pain in people who smoke than people who do not smoke.

  • Pregnancy

Pregnant women are likely to develop back pain as they carry excess weight in the front. Also loosening of the ligaments in the pelvic area happens as the body prepares for the delivery.

  • Previous back injury

If you have had a previous back injury, then you have a higher risk of having back pain, as relapses are quite common in back pain.

  • Stress and psychological factors

Stress has been proven to increase the incidence of back pain. Anxiety, depression, stress at work, etc can place you at increased risk of back pain.

  • Sports

Some kinds of sports such as rugby, wrestling, gymnastics, football, etc. increase the risk of back pain as a result of injuries.

  • Other factors

Factors like osteoporosis, disc degenerative disease, degenerative joint disease, scoliosis, etc. can also contribute to development of acute and chronic back pain.

Tips For Prevention Of Back Pain

One could prevent back pain or recurrence by strengthening the muscles, tendons, and ligaments supporting the back. The following tips can help in this:

  • Exercise

Regular exercising without putting too much strain to your back such as swimming, walking, etc. can increase the strength and endurance in your back and also allows the muscles to function better.

  • Maintaining healthy weight

Being overweight, puts strain on your back. So maintaining your weight helps with back pain prevention.

  • Maintaining good posture

Taking regular breaks even if the job demands prolonged standing or sitting, sitting in a chair with good lumbar support, placing your foot on a low-foot stool to offload the weight off the back when standing for long periods, and trying and lifting heavy objects without twisting the back go a long way in prevention of back pain.

  • Yoga

Yoga is known to help in prevention or recurrence of back pain. It is a broad discipline that involves practicing poses, breathing exercises, and relaxation techniques. Yoga can strengthen the muscles, improve flexibility, relieve stress and also improve posture.

  • Ayurvedic oil application

Application of medicated oils on the body before having a bath is recommended in Ayurveda as a preventive measure against a whole lot of conditions related to the skeleton-muscular system. It is also very effective at relieving stress and improving quality of sleep.


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