In Patient care facility

In-Patient Care

Arogya offers in-patient care at its state-of-the art in-patient facility in the Temple City of Madurai, wherein the patients can avail high quality treatment supervised and monitored by our team of experienced doctors delivered by our caring ayurvedic hospital staff in an atmosphere that feels like a resort rather than a hospital.

A typical day at the in-patient section would start with our nurse calling on you to help you take the morning medicnes before you have your bed coffee or tea at around 6.30 AM. Some of you would then have to get ready to go for your first session of therapy.

The group Yoga session commences at 6.45 AM and if you are adviced to take part in the same, you may do so or you may choose to go out for a stroll in the gardens listeningto the chirping of birds.

Generally in-patients would have one session of therapy in the morning and at times another session in the evening. Those who are advised other forms of therapy like personalised Yoga or Physiotherapy etc would be usherd to their respective sessions by the staff concerned at the pre-designated time. Diet for the patient can be; at the choice of the patients served in the room though there is a restaurant in the campus itself. It is advised to take food in the room, because it will avoid temptation to eat food that is contra-indicated during therapy. By-Attenders or people accompanying patients are advised to take food from the restaurant that serves healthy Vegetarian food from 7.00 AM to 9.30 PM.

The treating doctors will visit you in your rooms once a day and their assistant physicians would visit you twice a day to ensure that all developments with regard to your health are observed, recorded and passed on to your treating physician for further decision and action. They are also available and may be contacted any time you need their assistance.

Accommodation & Facilities

Patients who need to get admitted can choose from a range of accommodation options.
All patient rooms can accommodate a by-stander in the same room.

We offer a whole range of facilities as follows

  • Wheel chair access to all areas of the campus
  • Walking areas
  • landscaped area for relaxation
  • Intercom in all rooms
  • Individualised Patient food served in the room
  • In-house Laundry facilities
  • Travel arrangements for local & other sight seeing
  • Pick-up and drop from the Madurai Railway station or Airport.
  • Gym and Health club
  • Indoor games
  • Currency exchange
  • Internet Kiosk

Billing & Payment Options

An advance of atleast 50% of the estimated cost of the program is collected at the time of admission itself and the billing is done on a daily basis. You shall be asked to remit further sums of money if the total billing is about to exceed the advance paid. Payments may be made by cash, Transfer to our bank account or through credit cards.

Call Us
+91 95002 92220
AVN Arogya Ayurvedic Centre
Madurai, Chennai, Bangalore, Mumbai, Kochi & Malaysia

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