AVN Arogya Weight Management Treatment

Medohara - The Weight Management Program

?Today, almost everyone is obsessed with losing weight. Obesity is defined as a condition where one is at least 20% more than the ideal body weight. Obesity is normally caused by a sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activity, an irregular diet & sleep pattern and stress.

?Overweight and obesity contribute to diseases like heart attacks, stroke, arteriosclerosis, and diabetes. Mental afflictions like mood swings and even depression - the health implications of obesity are grave, often fatal. Therefore, it is important for everyone to maintain a healthy weight but in the right manner. The weight loss process should be a gradual one; or else, it could lead to ill health. Crash diets or crash fitness programs may seem to very dramatically alter weight, but in the long run, this may produce adverse effects. The weight management should be a gradual, well engineered process involving diet, a tailor made fitness regime, counseling & effective Ayurvedic interventions & medications.

?AVN Arogya Ayurvedic Wellness Retreat's Medohara, involves a planned, methodical Lifestyle intervension process with the ideal diet & exercise regime along with Yoga sessions and the right ambience to make the weight management program a thoroughly enjoyable one.


AVN Arogya’s Medohara can be undertaken as a 21-day or a 14-day program.


  • Complimentary pick-up from Madurai airport / station.
  • Welcome drink on arrival
  • Ayurvedic consultation
  • Accomodation in the class of room selected
  • Upto two major Ayurvedic therapies in a day
  • All meals comprising of tasty and healthy vegetarian food as prescribed by the Ayurvedic physician
  • Yoga & meditation sessions
  • Access to Gym, Indoor games area
  • Complimentary drop at airport / station.


  • Internal medicines if any prescribed.
  • Other tours undertaken
  • Any other service not specifically mentioned in the inclusions.


Back Problems

Back pain and spine related diseases are a group of very common problems and are growing in incidence over the years...

Neck Problems

Pain in the neck, shoulders and arms, is a very common problem and is growing in incidence over the years...

Joint Problems

Pain in the joints and pain while movement are among the most common problems for which a patient consults a doctor...

Stroke and Developmental Neurology

Stroke patients, in India, are typically left under the care of the family members after the acute care at a hospital is over...

Developmental Paediatrics

We offer in-house ayurvedic treatment for stroke, over a duration of Three to Four weeks, at our facility offering various options for accommodation.

Woman's Health & Fertility

Women in India are under tremendous pressure having to cope up with the double responsibility of work and home. This leaves them with less time..

What Our Patients have to Say

Call Us
+91 95002 92220
AVN Arogya Ayurvedic Centre
Madurai, Chennai, Bangalore, Mumbai, Kochi & Malaysia

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