
The accommodation at AVN Arogya Ayurveda Hospital is designed to provide all modern facilities in a natural setting. The focus is to maximize proximity to nature without compromising on convenience and comfort. All rooms offer excellent privacy and are open to landscaped areas and gardens, providing a serene atmosphere ideal for healing. All areas are accessible to differently-abled people as well.

All rooms are air-conditioned, have telephones with direct–dial facility, and Digital TV with Satellite connection.

Non AC Or AC Executive Rooms

A standard room with AC or Non-AC options with patient bed and a single bed for bye stander. There is attached bath facility in this room.


Non AC Economy Rooms

Simple Non-AC rooms with attached bath facility.


AC Deluxe Rooms

The elegantly decorated and well-facilitated deluxe double rooms at AVN Swasthya are the perfect choice for the discerning guest. With attached well-laid-out bathrooms, a TV with satellite connection and other amenities, these rooms are a home away from home.


Classic Villas

Individual Villas with twin beds and all modern amenities, a sit-out in the front and one overlooking the garden at the back, and a private attached therapy unit make the Classic Villas the right choice for two persons to completely unwind.


Deluxe Villas

Provided with a spacious living and dining room in addition to a bedroom, the deluxe villas offer excellent privacy and comfort. They present a cosy option for a family of up to four. The attached therapy units are also equipped with state-of-the-art steam and shower cabins. 


The Royal Villa

For those who want nothing but the best, The Royal Villa offers the ultimate luxury. With a spacious master bedroom and a smaller room, with attached showers a built-in exclusive therapy, the Royal Villa offers accommodation for a family of four or for a couple accompanied by a helper.


AVN Arogya Infrastructure

Call Us
+91 95002 92220
AVN Arogya Ayurvedic Centre
Madurai, Chennai, Bangalore, Mumbai, Kochi & Malaysia

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