AVN Arogya Stress Treatment

Vishranti - The Stress Relief Program

?Persistent stress can put one at risk for a variety of illnesses.

?Stress acts on every system of the body through a sophisticated mechanism called the “stress response”, making one more susceptible to indigestion, heart burn, asthma, chest congestion, migraines, & also triggers mental and emotional problems such as insomnia, headaches, irritability, anxiety and depression. Stress can cause or aggravate stomach ulcers, colitis, Irritable Bowel syndrome, and a whole range of diseases.

?Ayurveda has a unique set of therapies which shield the person from the ill-effects of chronic stress. AVN Arogya Ayurvedic Retreat is the ideal place for total stress relief, providing the idyllic setting for relaxation along with Ayurvedic therapies, Yoga, Meditation, Counseling sessions, a fitness regime & a wholesome diet.

?Vishranti includes special head & body massages using Ayurvedic medicated oils along with Kayaseka & Sirodhara --a completely relaxing experience to soothe the aching muscles and tense nerves and Yoga, Pranayama & meditation to bring serenity to the mind and spirit.


Vishranti , our Stress relief program is available in three variants

  • 10 Days - for aged persons or severely stressed persons.
  • 7 Days - for middle aged and moderately stressed persons.
  • 3 days - for busy, young persons


  • Complimentary pick-up from Madurai airport / station.
  • Welcome drink on arrival
  • Ayurvedic consultation
  • Accomodation in the class of room selected
  • Upto two major Ayurvedic therapies in a day
  • All meals comprising of tasty and healthy vegetarian food as prescribed by the Ayurvedic physician
  • Yoga & meditation sessions
  • Access to Gym, Indoor games area
  • Complimentary drop at airport / station.


  • Internal medicines if any prescribed.
  • Other tours undertaken
  • Any other service not specifically mentioned in the inclusions.

What Our Patients have to Say


Back Problems

Back pain and spine related diseases are a group of very common problems and are growing in incidence over the years...

Neck Problems

Pain in the neck, shoulders and arms, is a very common problem and is growing in incidence over the years...

Joint Problems

Pain in the joints and pain while movement are among the most common problems for which a patient consults a doctor...

Stroke and Developmental Neurology

Stroke patients, in India, are typically left under the care of the family members after the acute care at a hospital is over...

Developmental Paediatrics

We offer in-house ayurvedic treatment for stroke, over a duration of Three to Four weeks, at our facility offering various options for accommodation.

Woman's Health & Fertility

Women in India are under tremendous pressure having to cope up with the double responsibility of work and home. This leaves them with less time..
Call Us
+91 95002 92220
AVN Arogya Ayurvedic Centre
Madurai, Chennai, Bangalore, Mumbai, Kochi & Malaysia

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