Gout is a metabolic disease which primarily affects the joints and hence is called GOUTY ARTHTRITIS. It occurs as a result of improper metabolism of a type of amino-acid called purines. Purines are very essential to the body as they form an integral part of the DNA. When purines are broken down in the body uric acid is produced. When either the production of uric acid is excessive or the excretion is deficient, Uric acid level in the blood is increased. When this happens over a period of time, Sodium urate, a sodium salt of uric acid id formed and it crystalizes and gets deposited in joints triggering an inflammation. This condition is called Gouty Arthritis. The most common site of occurrence of Gouty Arthritis is the great toe, but it can also affect the hands and other joints.

Causes Of Gouty Arthritis

Gout is an inheritable disease which primarily affects the male gender. It may be predominantly due to excessive consumption of food materials which generates uric acid or incapability of the kidneys to excrete them.

  • The food items which tend to generate increased amounts of uric acid are usually rich sources of protein like meat, black beans, cauliflower, Cottage cheese and all kinds of meat and animal products
  • Consumption of excessive amounts of alcohol
  • In cases where kidneys do not function properly
  • Other causes include dehydration and starvation

Symptoms Of Gouty Arthritis

  • The first symptom seen will be a sudden onset of a hot and painful swelling and the swollen joint will be stiffness as well.
  • There will be severe joint pain on touch.
  • Usually it manifests in the knee joint, toes and the ankle joint but over a period of time if left untreated it affects multiple joints and becomes a chronic condition.

Allopathy & Ayurvedic Treatment For Gouty Arthritis (Gout)

The prime aim of treatment is reducing the uric acid levels in the blood and to relieve pain and stiffness in affected joints

  • Treatment for Gouty Arthritis in Contemporary Medicine (Allopathy)

The two main principles of treatment are management of an acute attack of gout, and maintaining low levels of uric acid.

The principles of treatment for an acute attack includes

  1. Non-Steroidal Anti Inflammatory drugs
  2. Elevation of affected joint
  3. Drinking plenty of water

As far as maintenance of low levels of uric acid is concerned – avoiding food items which generate uric acid, especially red meat and high protein diets are to be avoided.

Uricosuric drugs (drugs that reduce uric acid levels in the blood) are also available and they need to be used continuously.

  • Ayurvedic Treatment for Gouty Arthritis

Ayurvedic treatment for gout comprises of herbal medicines that help the body eliminate uric acid and herbs and therapies aimed at reducing the inflammation.

Kokilaksha – (Asteracantha longiflia) is one such herb which is very effective in providing relief to patients suffering from Gouty arthritis. The Ayurvedic therapies that are effective in relieving inflammation are Dhanyamladhara (pouring fermented liquid over the inflamed joint), Podikkizhi (herbal powder massage), Ilakkizhi (Herbal leaves massage), and after the inflammation is relieved procedures like Tailadhara ( Pouring medicated oil) on the affected part and Nhavarakkizhi (Medicated rice massage) are advocated along with Ksheeravasthi (Medicated milk enema)are very effective in protecting the joints affected by Gouty arthritis.

  • Ayurvedic Treatment for Gouty Arthritis at AVN AROGYA

At AVN Arogya, we offer effective treatment for Gouty Arthrits through a combination of our proprietary Ayurvedic formulations and Traditional Ayurvedic combinations and the full range of Ayurvedic therapies that are administered by our Team of Experienced Ayurvedic Physicians and trained therapists. We have over the years perfected the art and science of treating Gouty-arthritis through Ayurveda avoiding the need for Synthetic medicines in a vast majority of patients. We advise a preventive approach to Gouty arthritis as well. Because Gouty-arthritis is metabolic in nature it tends to recur and so we advise patients who have just started developing mild problems to take care of their diet and also administer some of our formulations for prevention of further episodes.

For those who have more severe symptoms, we also advise them to undergo a full course of detox and strengthening therapies once a year to be followed by short courses of detox and strengthening therapy performed over three days once in three to four months, so as to prevent further attacks and to keep joints strong. We have found that patients who follow our protocol are able to prevent further attacks and prevent deterioration of their joint condition. We offer the whole range of treatment at our clinics at various cities as well as out our hospital in Madurai where we also integrate Physiotherapy and Yoga as part of our therapeutic approach.


  • AVN Arogya’s treatment provides a very effective solution
  • AVN Arogya uses proprietary formulae and protocols perfected with years of experience.
  • The treatment alleviates the need for powerful drugs.
  • It enhances quality of life.
  • Our experience of over 85 years, makes us the best at offering the services required for effective healing and recovery
  • The treatment offered is time-tested, safe and effective
  • The treatment is natural and holistic
  • Patients can continue to live life with renewed confidence


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Call Us
+91 95002 92220
AVN Arogya Ayurvedic Centre
Madurai, Chennai, Bangalore, Mumbai, Kochi & Malaysia

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