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Do you frequently suffer from neck pain associated with headaches, dizziness and shoulder pain? Are you above 60 years of age or handle a desk job working on a laptop? Chances are you might be suffering from cervical spondylosis: a debilitating condition because of wear and tear of cervical vertebrae.  Once a disease of old age, Cervical spondylosis has now become highly prevalent among young and middle age population because of changes in lifestyle and working conditions, especially those using computers and laptops.


The bones (vertebrae) of our spine are cushioned by discs which minimize the impact of movement on the spinal column just like a shock absorber. The disc is composed of an outer tough ring and an inner soft jelly-like substance. Cervical spondylosis is a general term for age-related wear and tear affecting the spinal discs in the neck. As the discs dehydrate and shrink, signs of osteoarthritis develop, including bony projections along the edges of bones (bone spurs or osteophytes). These abnormal growths can cause narrowing of the interior of the spinal column or in the openings where spinal nerves exit, a related condition called Cervical Spinal Stenosis.


  • Dehydrated disks - By the age of 40, spinal disks begin to dry out and shrink, which allows more bone-on-bone contact between the vertebrae causing aforesaid symptoms.
  • Herniated disks-
  • Bone spurs- Disk degeneration results in the spine producing extra amounts of bone in an effort to strengthen the spine. These bone spurs can sometimes pinch the spinal cord and nerve roots.
  • Stiff ligaments- Spinal ligaments can stiffen with age, making the neck less flexible.
  • Overuse or regularly lifting heavy weights can cause wear and tear of the spine


  • Aging
  • Neck injury
  • Poor posture
  • overuse due to specific activities such as gymnasts or athletes
  • Genetic factors
  • Smoking


  • Neck stiffness and pain
  • Headache originating in the neck
  • Pain in the shoulder or arms
  • Restricted neck movements
  • Grinding noise or sensation when the neck is turned


If Cervical Spondylosis results in pressure on the spinal cord which is called Cervical Stenosis, it can put pressure on the spinal cord, a condition called Cervical Myelopathy. Symptoms of Cervical Spondylosis with Myelopathy include:

  • Tingling, numbness, and/or weakness in the arms, hands, legs, or feet
  • Lack of coordination and difficulty walking
  • Abnormal reflexes
  • Muscle spasms
  • Loss of bowel and bladder control

Another possible complication of Cervical Spondylosis

Spondylosis is Cervical Radiculopathy, when bone spurs press on nerves as they exit the bones of the spinal column. Pain shooting down into one or both arms is the most common symptom.


Along with physical examination to determine the range of movement of neck, possible vertebrae involved, muscle weakness, sensory deficit and tender areas, X-ray, CT scan and MRI might be suggested for confirming the diagnosis.


Allopathic treatment involves physical therapy, use of OTC pain killers, muscle relaxants, anti-epileptic drugs, steroid injections, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) etc. Surgery might be advised according to the severity of the condition.

In Ayurveda, Cervical Spondylosis is referred to by the names “Apabaahuka” which refers to weakness and inability to use the hands as a result of Vata getting disturbed at the base of the hands and “Vishvaachi”, Vishvaachi is a condition, where in pain travels from the neck down to the hands. This description resembles Cervical Radiculopathy. Classical Ayurvedic books describe treatment for these conditions and are seen to be very effective. Ayurvedic treatment of Cervical Spondylosis, comprises of herbal medicines and therapies that help to relax the muscles, relieve inflammation of the nerves and surrounding tissues, heal the damage to the nerves and in strengthen the nerves and muscles. The most commonly used therapies are Podikkizhi and Ilakkizhi for relieving inflammation and relaxing the muscles, Greevavasthi, Greeva pichu, Tailadhara, Njavarakkizhi and Nasya helps relieve pain and inflammation, strengthen the tissues and prevent recurrence.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Cervical Spondylosis at AVN AROGYA

At AVN Arogya, we have developed excellent proprietary products that help relieve the problems like, pain, stiffness, loss of strength and numbness associated with Cervical Spondylosis and prevent further degeneration with regular use. Patients who have mild to moderate intensity of the problem, invariably respond to these medicines alone. We can also help prevent further episodes through maintenance comprising of exercises, a better lifestyle and anti-degenerative medicines. Those who have very severe problems and those suffering for a long duration and looking for a speedy recovery may require therapies that can be carried out at any of our centers. Those who are in excruciating pain and severe symptoms or other concomitant diseases and complications and who require complete rest and close monitoring would be advised admission at our Hospital in Madurai and given treatment comprising of Medicines, Ayurvedic Therapies, Counselling and Physiotherapy.

Why AVN AROGYA for Cervical Spondylosis Ayurvedic Treatment

  • Ayurveda Treatment for Cervical Spondylosis at AVN Arogya, alleviates the problems and helps avoid the need for surgery even in severe cases.
  • Our experience of over 85 years makes us the best at offering the services required to effectively treat the condition.
  • The Ayurveda treatment offered is time-tested, safe and effective.
  • The Ayurveda treatment is natural and holistic.
  • It retards the chances of a recurrence.

Patients walk out with renewed confidence in life.

Cervical Spondylosis is a degenerative condition of the vertebral column, occurring at the level of cervical vertebrae. It is otherwise considered to be the osteoarthritis of the cervical spine and is most often an age-related condition. However the process of degeneration can be augmented by a variety of factors.

Causes of Cervical Spondylosis

  • Age: Cervical spondylosis is predominantly an age related condition.
  • Bone spurs: These are over growths of the vertebral bones which also happen with age. These outgrowths may compress the nerves arising from that particular segment thus leading to neck pain.
  • Dehydration of Intervertebral discs: In between the vertebra there are shock absorbers known as intervertebral discs. They are made of a central jelly like substance which has a high level of elasticity that provides for the shock absorbing effect to the discs. With age, the water content in these discs get reduced leading to a condition called the dehydration of discs. When dehydration of discs happen, the elasticity is reduced and the discs start to loos height and get flattened. So they start bulging out of the vertebral body into the spinal canal and can press of pain sensitive structures like the nerve roots causing pain.
  • Herniation of Intervertebral discs: A disc that is already dehydrated is easily prone to develop tears, leading to protrusion of the central soft jelly like material and this condition is called as Herniated disc or Slipped disc. This is often the cause of Neck pain that also radiated to hands, the skull, the shoulder or the chest.
  • External Trauma: Mild repeated trauma is a cause of neck pain by weakening the intervertebral disc leading to its herniation over a period of time. Acute severe trauma like road accidents, whip lash injuries etc can cause a disc prolapse, or a damage to the spine or the ligaments and bones even in a healthy disc.
  • Stress: In cases where all investigations turn out to be negative it is seen that stress is the main cause for degenerative changes to set in which further leads to the manifestation of pain.
  • Overweight: Overweight leads to premature degeneration of the spine and other skeletomuscular structures by virtue of their metabolic effect.
  • Inactivity: Activity is absolutely essential for maintaining the strength of tissues and prolonged inactivity leads to degradation of the tissues. This is very significant in the case of the spine as well.
  • Increased Strain: Damage to the cervical spine can be hastened by virtue of carrying heavy weights and keeping the neck in misaligned postures for prolonged periods of time.

Symptoms of Cervical Spondylosis

  • Pain: The main symptom of Cervical Spondylosis is pain. The pain may increase while standing, sneezing and excessive physical straining. This may or may not radiate to one or both of the upper limbs.
  • Muscle Weakness: The muscles of the shoulders and hands are supplied by nerves that emerge from the neck and when these nerves are pressed, the muscles that are supplied by them may develop weakness.
  • Headache: occurs usually at the back of the head particularly seen after travelling or having the neck in an uncomfortable posture for long periods of time is usually due to Cervical Spondylosis, when the nerves in the upper part of the cervical spine are compressed.
  • Altered Sensation: Tingling sensation or numbness at the nape of the neck which may radiate to the upper limbs is also produced by the nerves getting compressed.
  • Bladder or Bowel disturbances: When the spinal cord is pressed by the protruding discs or by conditions like Spondylolisthesis or in cases of Spinal stenosis, it may lead to inability to control the bladder or bowels.
  • Tingling sensation, weakness of the legs and Foot drop: The compression of the spinal cord may also lead to tingling sensation in the legs, weakness of the legs and foot drop.

Allopathy & Ayurvedic Treatment for Cervical Spondylosis

Treatment for Cervical Spondylosis is aimed at relieving pain, and other symptoms associated with the disease and preventing the incidence of disability due to this condition.

Treatment for Cervical Spondylosis in Contemporary Medicine (Allopathy)

There is no cure for Cervical Spondylosis as it is a part of aging and is generally progressive in nature. However, treatment is aimed at alleviating symptoms, keeping the patient functional and preventing disability.

Pain killers comprising of Anti-inflammatory analgesics and Membrane stabilisers (Drugs that numb the sensation of pain through the neurological pathway) are generally recommended for relief of pain. And once the pain is relieved patients are advised to follow exercises to keep the associated structures strong.

Physiotherapy including traction, IFT, Ultrasound therapy, is used to relieve pain and relax the muscles that are affected. Using neck Collars specially designed for Spondylosis is also beneficial in symptomatic relief.

If these interventions do not work, Epidural injections of steroids are administered at the Cervical spine to relieve pain.

Surgical treatment is recommended in case of nerve root or spinal cord compression that does not respond to these interventions and the patient suffers from progressive worsening of symptoms or if he develops bowel or bladder incontinence.

Ayurvedic Treatment For Cervical Spondylosis

In Ayurveda, Cervical Spondylosis is referred to by the names “Apabaahuka” which refers to weakness and inability to use the hands as a result of Vata getting disturbed at the base of the hands and “Vishvaachi” Vishvaachi is a condition where in pain travels from the neck down to the hands. This description resembles Cervical Radiculopathy. Classical Ayurvedic books describe treatment for these conditions and are seen to be very effective.

Ayurvedic treatment of Cervical Spondylosis, comprises of herbal medicines and therapies that help to relax the muscles, relieve inflammation to the nerves and surrounding tissues, heal the damage to the nerves and strengthening the nerves and muscles.

The most commonly used therapies are Podikkizhi (Herbal Powder Poultice massage), Ilakkizhi (Fresh herbal poultice massage) for relieving inflammation and relaxing the muscles, Greevavasthi (Pooling of medicated oil on the back), Greeva pichu (Soaking oil on the neck by placing a cloth soaked in medicated oil), Tailadhara (Pouring of medicated oils over the affected part of the body) and Nhavarakkizhi (for healing the nerves and strengthening the muscles and nerves). Nasya (Medicated oil instillation in the nostrils) forms another important part of the treatment. These therapies are the most important components of the treatment to relieve pain and inflammation, strengthen the tissues and to prevent recurrence.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Cervical Spondylosis at AVN AROGYA

At AVN Arogya, we have developed excellent proprietary products that help relieve the problems like, pain, stiffness, loss of strength and numbness associated with Cervical Spondylosis and prevent further degeneration with regular use. Patients who have mild to moderate intensity of the problem, invariably respond to these medicines. We can also help prevent further episodes through maintenance comprising of exercises, better lifestyle and anti-degenerative medicines. Those who have very severe problems and those suffering for a long duration and looking for a speedy recovery may require therapies that can be carried out at any of our centres. Those who are in excruciating pain and severe symptoms or other concomitant diseases and complications and who require complete rest and close monitoring would be advised admission at our Hospital in Madurai and given treatment comprising of Medicines, Ayurvedic Therapies, Counselling and Physiotherapy. 

Why AVN AROGYA for Cervical Spondylosis Ayurvedic Treatment!

  • Ayurveda Treatment for Cervical Spondylosis at AVN Arogya alleviates the problems and helps avoid the need for surgery even in severe cases.
  • Our experience of over 85 years makes us the best at offering the services required to effectively treat the condition.
  • The ayurveda treatment offered is time-tested, safe and effective.
  • The ayurveda treatment is natural and holistic.
  • It retards the chances of a recurrence.
  • Patients walk out with renewed confidence in life.


Cervical Spondylosis is commonly an age related debilitating painful condition of the neck. It is also aggravated by...


Cervical spondylosis is caused due to the shrinking and degeneration of bones in the vertebrae. This syndrome majorl...


Cervical Spondylosis, also called as cervical osteoarthritis is the damage of the vertebrae or spinal bone, due to c...


As spoken about in our previous blogs, neck pain (in the cervical spine area) is a prevailing issue which has to be ...


Cervical spondylosis with cervical myelopathy, generally known as Cervical Spondyloticmyelopathy (CSM), is a conditi...


Spondylosis is an age-related condition that causes degeneration in the spine. Spondylosis literally means stiffenin...

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+91 95002 92220
AVN Arogya Ayurvedic Centre
Madurai, Chennai, Bangalore, Mumbai, Kochi & Malaysia

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