What Our Patients Say


Tennis Elbow is a condition wherein there is inflammation of the tendons that are present in the outer portion of the elbow joint at the site where they get inserted to the bone, resulting in severe joint pain. This disease has acquired it’s name due to the fact that it is most commonly seen in people involving in racquet sports like tennis. However it is not only people who play tennis who get it. Other physically demanding activities which put the muscles of extension of the elbow (Stretching the elbow) under a lot of stress also contribute to the manifestation of this condition. Tennis elbow is also known as “Lateral Epicondylitis”.

Causes Of Tennis Elbow

  • Strain and overuse of the muscles of the forearm are the main reasons for causing this condition
  • It is seen in people involved in racquet sports and other physically demanding activities with the hand
  • It is usually seen in the arm which is predominantly used for example if a tennis player plays with his right arm his right arm is more susceptible for developing this condition

Symptoms Of Tennis Elbow

  • Pain in the lateral side of the elbow (outer portion of the elbow)
  • Inability to perform certain functions with the fore-arm
  • Pain while performing activities where the forearm is stretched
  • Pain on touch on the outside of the elbow
  • Pain worsens when the wrist is stabilised or moved with force. Ex. lifting, using tools, opening jars, or even handling simple things such as a toothbrush or knife

Allopathy & Ayurvedic Treatment Of Tennis Elbow

Treatment of Tennis Elbow is aimed at reducing the local inflammation, relieving pain and restoring normal functioning of the affected elbow.

Treatment for Tennis in Contemporary Medicine (Allopathy)

Rest to the affected part is the first phase of the treatment of Tennis elbow. Physiotherapy and joint massages are advised thereafter. If the symptoms persist, Non-Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs are administered. If still there is no relief, steroids are used orally or injected into the joints. Local injection of Botulinum toxin is also used in chronic unresponsive conditions.

Ayurvedic Treatment For Tennis Elbow

The approach to treatment of Tennis elbow in Ayurveda comprises of administration of ayurvedic medicines which are anti-inflammatory and those that help in healing the tears in the ligaments and tendons. Application of medicated oils to the area, with mild massage and Pichu (bandage with the medicated oils) is also recommended in the initial stages. This provides relief in most cases. However if the pain persists, Ayurvedic therapies that help to relieve inflammation like Podikkizhi (Herbal powder massage), Ilakkizhi (Massage with Herbal leaves), Tailadhara (Pouring of medicated oils) are advocated.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Tennis elbow at AVN AROGYA

At AVN Arogya we offer very effective treatment for Tennis elbow at all our clinics in Chennai, Bangalore, Mumbai, Kochi & Madurai. The treatment of Tennis elbow at AVN Arogya, includes administration of proprietary Ayurvedic medicines that we have developed for inflammation and for healing the tissues. We also have medicated oils that are very effective in providing relief from pain and swelling in joints. In cases where the problem is severe, we also offer all the classic Ayurvedic therapies mentioned above to help obtain complete relief.


  • AVN Arogya’s Ayurveda treatment provides a very effective solution
  • AVN Arogya uses proprietary formulae and protocols perfected with years of experience
  • The ayurveda treatment alleviates the need for powerful drugs
  • It greatly enhances quality of life
  • Our experience of over 85 years, makes us the best at offering the services required for effective healing and recovery
  • The ayurveda treatment offered is time-tested, safe and effective
  • The ayurveda treatment is natural and holistic
  • Patients can continue to live life with renewed confidence


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+91 95002 92220
AVN Arogya Ayurvedic Centre
Madurai, Chennai, Bangalore, Mumbai, Kochi & Malaysia

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